Early bird price:
47 $
Омоложение через оздоровление своими руками по программе врача-остеопата, канд. мед. наук Алеся Улищенко
Online участие
из любой точки мира
Закрытая платформа с обучения
Кураторство специалистами клиники остеопатии и фейспластики Dr.Ales
16 video lessons
WOW-effect with your own hands:
Сгладим лоб, межбровку и носогубки

Поднимем брови и веки

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Online participation from any part of the world
A concentrate of the best Faceplasty techniques to combat swellings, wrinkles and facial asymmetry.
Smooth out the forehead, the frown line and the nasolabial folds
Lift the eyebrows and the eyelids
Get rid of the second chin and dewlaps

Smooth out the forehead, the frown line and the nasolabial folds

Lift the eyebrows and the eyelids

Get rid of the second chin and dewlaps

How you will change by mastering these exercises

For the lazy ones: for only 15 minutes a day, you will master 20 best exercises, which will help you to look younger

The results before and after will be provided later
Faceplasty is the first patented methodology for the restitution of young and harmonious facial proportions that works comprehensively with the entire body, including spine, diaphragms, skull bones, fascia, nerves, blood vessels, facial muscles and skin.
You will learn how to remove the causes of age-related changes, not their symptoms, by initiating a powerful healing process.
What awaits you at the intensive course
Three live master-classes with practice and secret techniques under the guidance of TOP faceplasty trainers will enhance the effect of the exercises and you will be 100% sure that you do everything correctly
A combo of super-techniques for distinctive facial contours and the cervicomental angle
Techniques for smooth forehead and frown line
Reducing the second chin, dewlaps and sagging jowls
Techniques for face-lifting (lifting effect)
Deep treatment of the chewing muscles and relaxation of the oral diaphragm
Cheekbones lifting and correction of the nasolabial folds
Lifting of the drooping eyelids, reducing dark circles and bags under the eyes
Harmonization of facial proportions and the occlusion
Relaxation and extension of the neck
Posture stretching and reduction of the protruding belly
Meditation – a therapeutic setting

Reveal the secrets of rejuvenation and face harmonization in terms of biomechanics from the osteopathic doctor

16 video lessons – recording is available for 21 days
Занятия ведут автор методики и дипломированные ТОП-тренеры Международной академии фейспластики и остеопатии

Короткие видео уроки на каждый день (более 17 упражнений)

3 живые онлайн-тренировки с обратной связью

Запись в доступе на 21 день
Course price 47 $
materials available 21 days

Who runs the intensive course

I am Ales Ulishchenko,
the author of the intensive course
An osteopathic doctor, PhD,
Plastic surgeon, orthopedist
The founder and teacher of International Academy of Faceplastic and Osteopathy
The founder of Clinic of Osteopathy and Faceplasty - Clinic Dr.Ales
The author of the popular blog about health and beauty @dr_ales (600 000 subscribers)
14 years of experience in manual medicine, over 10 years in osteopathy. More than 5 thousand satisfied patients.
The author of the natural rejuvenation systems – Faceplasty
You can spend $70 and more to go to a cosmetologist or buy another tube of foundation. I offer you a methodology, which will be with you for your whole life for less money.